Tuesday, August 26, 2014

5 tips to avoid viruses on your Android smartphone

viruses smartphone

The smartphones are vulnerable to attacks from malware and viruses just as happens on a computer. In fact they are the number one target of the malicious hackers, and is that a smartphone is like a candy filled information than cashing, including your passwords and banking information. Of all the mobile platform, Android is what takes the cake in malware attacks. Firstly because it is an open source system, very important detail that puts a lot easier to hackers. Shop Play Google has an anti-malware filter, but it is inevitable that they brew some other application with malicious content. Here we offer five tips to keep your Android smartphone is the target of one of these viruses.

viruses smartphone

 Be careful what you install

 The first tip is obvious, if you’re not sure what it is, it is best not to install on your smartphone. Sometimes you click links that lead to websites where they ask us to install a codec or application; in such cases it is best not to accept because in the vast majority of cases it is malware. You can also reach us via SMS or email, so you have to be alert not to take fright.

 Play Use Google and other trusted stores

 Logically, if we want to download applications from trusted we must do it in a trusted site, such as the store Google Play. Although you might occasionally strain some application with suspicious content, many more guarantees not infect our smartphone suspect that if we access stores or downloaded from unknown websites. For example shop Amazon also gives us enough guarantees.

 Read permissions when installing an application

 When you install an application there is a section where you specify permissions that required. Applications like Instagram For example need to access our image gallery or services as Whatsapp need access to your contacts. They are normal requirements, but if we spend a minute to verify that the application you are downloading asks nothing unusual, we can avoid a shock.

 Do not install applications from unknown sources

 Within the menu settings there is an option that allows us to block applications that come from unknown sources, ie outside Google Play. If we remove this box we ensure that any will not install package APK (file extension of my Android) coming from outside the official store. If you ever need to install some confidence manually would only have to turn a moment. The option is unknown origins in Settings – Security.

 Download a virus scanner

 Finally you do not download any more antiviruses to detect malicious content on web pages or applications. In this way we can also scan the device to determine if something that you downloaded should be removed as soon as possible.

5 tips to avoid viruses on your Android smartphone

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