Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The next iPhone could incorporate a camera with DSLR quality

Camera next iPhone with DSLR quality

The truth is that many hoped that the arrival of the iPhone 6, Apple took the step to cram more megapixels to their cameras and, especially, who have tried experimenting with video and even a hint 4K technology that would simulate a smartphone the use of an optical zoom.

 But no. Apple eventually decided 8MP although further refined the definition and postprocessing of images, getting, yes, normal video at 1080p and 60fps slow motion 240 ‘frames’ and. So it is expected that future iPhone 6s make the change that many users are already calling him.

 The fact is that something seems to have as John Gruber, head of the blog Daring Fireball and its section The Talk Show, has released the news that he heard a remark in which he said that Apple would incorporate significant improvements in hardware camera for the next iPhone. Specifically, the phrase was: “What I heard is that next year the camera may be the biggest leap [technology] that has never before occurred. I do not know how it will be, but I hear it’s kind of strange two lenses that go in the rear chamber and somehow be able to capture DSLR quality images. “And watch out, the abbreviation DSLR is serious that mean that next iPhone’s camera performance would match that of a DSLR

 But back to the rumor, those two lenses is something that looks new. HTC already incorporated a similar technology in their One M8 called ‘Duo Camera’ which, admittedly, did not obtain the expected results. Remember that it was based on a similar system where two sensors were able to calculate the distance of each object and, from there, to process each pixel to give the properties that should be in the scene.

 But there are that who already puts you first and last name of the technology that Apple will be using next year and says it will be directly MacRumors developed by Corephotonics the iPhone will see in 2015. If you want to see how it works, then you have one video where they show their foundations and huge advantages when installing these as compact sensors on a smartphone as Cupertino.

The next iPhone could incorporate a camera with DSLR quality

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